Picot Bind Off

Step 1
Cast on 2 stitches using a cable cast-on. These stitches are placed on your left hand needle.

Step 2
Knit 2 stitches.

Step 3
Bind off 1 stitch by passing the second stitch on the right hand needle over the first stitch.

Step 4
Knit 1 stitch.

Step 5
Bind off 1 stitch

Step 6
Work Step 4 & 5 once more; you have bound off 3 stitches.

Step 7
Cast on 2 stitches using a cable cast-on.

Step 8
(Knit 1 stitch, bind off 1 stitch) four times; you have bound off 4 sts. This is your second picot.

Step 9
Work Step 7 & 8 to end.