Modified 3-Needle Bind Off
Hold the two needles parallel in your left hand; the RS of the two pieces of knitting are facing out. With the spare needle in your right hand, begin binding off as follows.
Step 1
Insert your right hand needle knitwise into the first stitch on the front needle. Wrap the yarn as if to knit, but do not exit or drop the stitch off the needle.
Step 2
Insert the right hand needle purlwise into the first stitch on the back needle and wrap as if to purl.
Step 3
Exit the back stitch by purling it and drop it off the needle.
Step 4
Bring the yarn to the back.
Step 5
Pull the stitch that is on your spare needle through the stitch on your front needle.
Step 6
Drop the stitch from the front needle.
Step 7
Insert your right hand needle knitwise into the first stitch on the front needle. Wrap the yarn as if to knit.
Step 8
Purl the stitch on the back needle, and drop the stitch off the needle.
Step 9
Bring the yarn to the back.
Step 9a
There are now 2 stitches on your left hand needle.
Step 10
With the front left hand needle lift the second st on the right hand needle over the first.
Step 10a
There is now 1 stitch on your right hand needle.
Repeat Step 1 – 10 until all stitches are bound off.